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Legal notice

The site and the domain name are the property of:

Aragou Julien
33 Rue Auguste Guénot
31100 Toulouse

The website is optimized for newer browsers (Mozilla Firefox, MS Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera).

Intellectual property

The present site constitutes a work whose I'm Julien is the author within the meaning of articles L.111.1 and following of the Code of the intellectual property.

The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequences with or without sound as well all works integrated into the site are the property of I'm Julien or third parties having authorized I'm Julien to use them.

Any reproduction, representation, use or modification except for information, by whatever process and on any support whatsoever, of all or part of the site, all or part of the various works that compose it, without having obtained the prior authorization of I'm Julien is strictly prohibited and constitutes a crime of counterfeiting.

Linked sites

I'm Julien authorizes any website or any medium to set up a hypertext link to its content with the exception of those broadcasting content of a controversial, pornographic, xenophobic, contrary to decency or morality.

I'm Julien declines all responsibility for the content available on other websites to which it has created links or which could have been created without his knowledge. Access to all other websites linked to this website is at the risk of the user.

I'm Julien also declines all responsibility for all information and materials contained on third party sites where links to the website

Character of information in the site

All information on this website is for informational purposes only. This information does not commit I'm Julien contractually, who declines any responsibility for the decisions that may be taken from this information. The content of the site is subject to change without notice.

Malfunction and viruses

I'm Julien can not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, losses or costs resulting from the use of this website, or the impossibility for a third party to use it, or a malfunction, of a interrupt, a virus, or a problem of line or system.